NOT Every Vitamin A Is The Same And You Need To Know Why!!

Vitamin A in the form of retinol, retinal palmitate, retinal acetate, and retinoic acid… don’t do ANYTHING to increase collagen density in your dermis, ZERO… research is definitive on that!

Let’s dive right into first and foremost, our understanding of aging skin and what you need to know about because there are some key things I think you’re going to find new and interesting if you’re not familiar with some of the new research and discoveries.

The number one thing that has been identified as a critical cog in the wheel of aging, is a loss of circulation in the skin.

Every year of your adult life, we’ll say about at age 25 begins a significant decline in the quality in the skin.. its a slow decline for some people, of course its accelerated by harsh lifestyles like smoking, chemotherapy, being on harsh medications.. all of those things can accelerate aging but expect about 1% loss in your skin in many different categories starting at age 25. 

So if you are, lets say 50 years old, you have approximately 25% less circulation in your skin than what you had when you were 25, and that’s the result of about 1% a year and that same number also applies to collagen, so at age 50 you have less collagen in your skin than you had at its peak, and this is related to this 1% loss that has been documented as an average pace of decline. 

Now, as it turns out you also have a decline of about 1% a year in your growth factor population and you have a decline in your skins ability to heal, which occurs when you take away the food supply of the skin… you can imagine that all things that rely on metabolic effort to keep you young or to heal you, will be declining.

Just about everything slows down including your skin’s turnover rate, when you’re young your epidermis replaces itself every 30 days… so fast forward to say, age 50… you’re going to have about 25% slower turnover rate. 

Your skin, like everything else.. wants to be at full capacity if it can, but it struggles to keep up the more we reduce its nutrient and oxygen supply. 

So now we understand what’s happening to the skin… we have sun damage, and oxidative stress caused by free radicals that cause changes to your skin texture and DNA damage.

There’s three layers of aging that you need to think about. One of them is, how toxic is your diet and is that shrinking the fat pads on your face causing volume loss. 

Number two, how much sun exposure have you had in your youth and adulthood and how much recovery needs to happen there.

Number three, how much inherit age is happening in your skin as you lose circulation and the food supply and healing components that it needs.

So what addresses all of those? Your vitamin A serum, but NOT every vitamin A is the same and you need to know why!! 

Vitamin A in the form of retinol, retinal palmitate, retinal acetate, and retinoic acid… don’t do anything to increase collagen density in your dermis, ZERO… research is definitive on that. 

If you’re going to buy a vitamin A, always look for a Retinaldyhyde and really, you need to find products that have a stabilized retinaldehyde, and there’s very few on the market that have access to that technology. 

What makes Osmosis MD retinaldehyde serums special is, it does have a stabilized retinaldehyde as well as liposome delivery, and what a liposome does, is it increases the penetration of active ingredients by SIX FOLD!

Vitamin A is a pretty big ingredient, and it needs help getting into the skin.. so we can create six times the penetration enhancement by using pharmaceutical grade liposomes, which we use in the Osmosis MD Vitamin A serums. 

The Chlorella in the product is stimulating for new blood vessel formation, the Niacinamide is dilating the blood vessels to increase local delivery of nutrients, and the retinaldehyde has genetic markers that also increases new blood vessel formation as well. 

One of the reasons this Vitamin A serum is so effective and does create permanent change in your skin is because you’re feeding your skin with Chlorella and Niacinamide effects while you’re asking your skin to make more collagen. 

One of the challenges your skin faces is, IT DOESN’T MATTER what collagen stimulaters you put on it, if the nutrient supply isn’t accelerated, there’s no way that the fibroblasts (which is the cell that makes the collagen in your dermis) there’s no way that the fibroblasts can make more collagen and elastin if you don’t in fact increase the supply at the same time you’re making the request.

I hope that makes sense, the idea here is a tag team approach.. there are eight collagen stimulaters in our formula and vascular builders. The Correct MD Vitamin A serum is a “go to” base product to start with that you should be using for aging. 

The beauty of the Retinaldehyde vitamin A, is that its tolerated in pregnancy and breast feeding, its non-sun sensitizing… its the only vitamin A serum that’s non-sun sensitizing and does not cause DNA damage because of the stabilization of the vitamin A, it does not over exfoliate the skin which means its barrier protecting!! 

Its a very unique formula, the liposome material in this formula is called Phosphatidyl choline, its what your cell walls are made of, it is a really a special product that traps moisture in the skin instead of drying your skin out. 

So, your vitamin A serum should be used twice daily, and can be cocktailed with other serums for accumulated results, which we will dive into soon! 

Ciao for now, I look forward to diving deep and getting real and lasting results while understanding ingredients and how they work along with how we can improve our health from the inside out with a sound understanding of the science behind it.

See Ya Soon,

Candace :)

Book your next facial at Captivating Skin Day Spa in Southlake, Texas!




What Happens As You Age